Proxy service in scale



Fathom is a way to effortlessly recall and share important moments from your Zoom calls. Instead of hurriedly taking notes while trying to stay engaged in conversation, Fathom lets you click a button to highlight portions of your call.  When the call is finished, Fathom gives you a fully transcribed recording with all of your highlights saved. These can easily be sync'd to a CRM or productivity tool, or shared via email or Slack.

We happen to be heavy users of Fathom here at Dreamten. We're on Zoom calls every day and clients are sharing with us important details that we have to keep track of. Previously it was a trade-off. Either stay engaged in conversation but have terrible notes. Or take detailed notes but have awkward pauses and stops that can derail the conversation. With Fathom, we don't worry about missing detail because we always have the recording, a transcript, and our highlights saved. Fathom genuinely helps us sleep better at night.


Jan 2019 - Ongoing


Jan 2019 - Ongoing


Jan 2019 - Ongoing


Jan 2019 - Ongoing